Peninei Halachah - Laws of Prayer
Peninei Halacha is a unique and comprehensive series of Halachah by Rabbi Eliezer Melamed. Written in a clear and modern language. these books clarify Jewish Law in a conise and thorough fashion, illuminating the spiritual foundations of the halachot, while reflecting the various customs of different communities. This volume, the first in the series, focuses on the laws of prayer and includes the following:
Laws of minyan - Place of prayer
The chazzan, kaddish, and mourners - Preparation for prayer
Nusachim and minhagim (different community customs)
Morning ritual - Birkot HaShachar (morning blessings)
Birkot HaTorah (Torah blessings) - Korbanot - Pesukei d'Zimrah
Keriat Shema - The Amidah - Correcting mistakes during prayer
The chazzan's repition of the Amidah - The Priestly blessing
Tachanun and prayers of the supplication - Torah reading
Minchah and Ma'ariv - The bedtime Shema
פניני הלכה - תפילה - באנגלית
הרב אליעזר מלמד