Peninei Halachah - Laws of Pesach
Peninei Halacha is a unique and comprehensive series of Halachah by Rabbi Eliezer Melamed. Written in a clear and modern language. these books clarify Jewish Law in a conise and thorough fashion, illuminating the spiritual foundations of the halachot, while reflecting the various customs of different communities.
This volume focuses on the laws of Pesach and includes the following:
The meaning of the holiday
General Rules of the Prohibition against Chametz
The mitzvasah of Removing the Chametz
Bedikat chametz - Bitul and biur chametz
Mechirat chametz - Chametz mixtures
Pesach kashrut - Kitniyot - Hagalat kelim
Koshering the kitchen - The laws of matzah
The laws and customs of Erev Pesach
When erev Pesach falls on Shabbat
THe Hagada - Seder night
פניני הלכה - פסח - באנגלית
הרב אליעזר מלמד